divendres, 3 d’abril del 2020


Hey my dear Sweeties,

It's Friday and it's English time again. Here you have a video to review the Health vocabulary. Listen and repeat.

 Now do the following activity:

Escriviu els numeros dels dibuixos per columnes als comentaris. Així per exemple:
- El primer dibuix de la primera columna és 1. I've got a sore throat.
- El segon dibuix de sota és el 4. I've got a toothache.

Si teniu dubtes m'ho pregunteu. 😉
Lots of kisses,
Montse and Natalie xx

17 comentaris:

  1. M´ha agradat molt natalie el video soc el lucas h.

    1. Hello Lucas,
      Has d'escriure les teves respostes aquí, als comentaris. Vinga, t'espero!
      Montse and Natalie xx

  2. Hello Natalie I like this video. Soc el Arnau.

    1. Hola Arnau,
      Com estàs? Has d'escriure les teves respostes al bloc. Vinga, que t'espero!!!
      Montse and Natalie xx

  3. Hola soc el Lucas Ameijeiras les respostes son:
    - I’ve got a sore throat. Dibuix 1 de la columna 1
    - I’ve got a cough. Dibuix 1 de la columna 2
    - I’ve got a cold. Dibuix 1 columna 3
    - I’ve got a toothache. Dibuix 2 columna 1
    - I’ve got a stomach ache. Dibuix 3 columna 3
    - I’ve got a earache. Dibuix 2 columna 2
    - I’ve got a headache. Dibuix 2 columna 3
    - I’ve got a backache. Dibuix 3 columna 3
    - I’ve got a rash. Dibuix 3 columna 1

    1. Well done Lucas!!! You did it fantastic!!!!
      Montse and Natalie xx

  4. Hello Natalie and Montse,
    1. I've got a sore throat. 2. I've got a cough. 3. I've got a runny nose.
    4. I've got a toothache. 5. I've got a ear each. 6. I've got a head each.
    7. I've got a bruise. 8. I've got a insect bite. 9. I've got a back each.
    10. I've got a sllowen ankle. 11. I've got a scub. 12. I've got a cold.
    13. I've got a scratch. 14. I've got a black eye. 15. I've got a stomachache.
    16. I've got a cut in my finger. 17. I've got a broken arm. 18. I've got a pain in my chest.
    19. I've got a rash. 20. I've got a temperature. 21. I've got a burned in my hand.
    Kissies and Hugs.
    Bet Ambros.

    1. Amazing Bet,
      You answered all the questions!!! Congratulations.
      Lots of kisses,
      Montse and Natalie xx

  5. Respostes
    1. Well done Uriel! Now answer the qestions if you want!
      Montse and Natalie

  6. HOla Montse les respostes.

    1I'vegot acsore through.
    2I'got a cogt.
    3 no u se .
    4I'got a toothache.
    5I'got a earache.
    6I'got a heteche.
    7I'got a backache.
    8I'got a cash.
    9I'vot a stomachache.
    10 No
    11I'got a temperature.
    12I'got a flu
    13I'got a Barbie hand
    14I'got a black eye
    15I'got a phone in the chest
    16I'got a cat finger.

    1. Excellent Mar! you have worked a lot.Congratulations!!!
      Montse and Natalie

  7. 1-1-columna 1
    2-1-columna 2
    3-1-columna 3
    4-2-columna 1
    5-2-columna 2
    6-2-columna 3
    7-3-columna 1
    8-3-columna 2
    9-3-columna 3
    10-4-columna 1
    11-4-columna 2
    12-4-columna 3
    13-5-columna 1
    14-5-columna 2
    15-5-columna 3
    16-6-columna 1

    Hi ha algunes que no es veien be

  8. Hello!! Natalie el exercici ma custat bastant i le fet a la meva llibreta

  9. El més important és que ho hagis intentat, amb esforç al final sempre surten les coses. Ànims!

  10. Hello Natalie and Montse,I am Pau Arenas.
    file 1,column 1,sentence 1.
    file 1,column 2,sentence 2
    file 1,column 3,sentence 3.
    file 2,column 1,sentence 4.
    file 2,column 2,sentence 5.
    file 2,column 3,sentence 6.
    file 3,column 1,sentence 7.
    file 3,column 2,sentence 8.
    file 3,column 1,sentence 9.
    file 4,column 1,sentence 10.
    file 4,column 2,sentence 11.
    file 4,column 3,sentence 12.
    file 5,column 1,sentence 13.
    file 5,column 2,sentence 14.
    file 5,column 3,sentence 15.
    file 6,column 1,sentence 16.
    bye bye

  11. Hello Natalie,
    no he pogut fer l'exercici perque no ho veig be.
